Safe Spaces

To help us to deliver one of the Child Friendly Cov pledges that children and young people in the city should be and feel safe, we've engaged with young people through various focus groups, online surveys, and events to help address the concerns of young people in our city regarding safety.

Safety, particularly when walking and traveling, emerged as a top concern in Coventry One Big Voice survey responses in both primary and secondary schools. To address this, we've collaborated with partners to establish a number Safe Spaces throughout the city.

Venues such as Family Hubs, libraries, CV life venues, McDonalds, Coventry University, and youth organisations have joined this initiative, undergoing training provided by Child Friendly Cov and West Midlands Police to ensure they meet safety standards.

Safe Spaces will be identified by window stickers and equipped with amenities like power banks, chargers, first aid kits, and informational leaflets. We've also partnered with Langar Aid and Tesco to provide food and hygiene packs.

Our Safe Spaces initiative will be officially launched in April 2024, in partnership with both stakeholder and young people.

Jane Moffat, Operational Lead (Early Help), Coventry City Council said: “We are pleased that our eight Coventry Family Hubs are signed up to be Safe Spaces. We think it is essential to ensure that all our Young people are safe and know they are welcome in the hubs. Wherever you are, whenever you need support, our Family Hubs are here for all. Your wellbeing is our priority, and we're committed to providing a listening ear and assistance whenever you need it."

Oscar, aged 9 said: "I feel safer knowing there are places we can go where we know we'll be looked after. Places like this mean young people can explore our city without worrying too much about what might happen."

Please see below for a map of the Coventry Safe Spaces that can be found in the city.