Coventry Embarks on its first Baby Week, Promoting the Best Start for Life for city children

Coventry celebrated its inaugural Baby Week, an event dedicated to celebrating and supporting the city's youngest residents during the most vital phase of their lives. 

Commencing on the 14th of November, 2023, this week-long event featured a diverse array of activities designed for babies and their parents and caregivers, underlining the immense importance of the first 1,001 days of a child's life – from conception to age two. This critical period lays the foundation for emotional and physical well-being, significantly impacting children's futures.

At the heart of Baby Week is the ‘Start for Life’, an offer to families delivered by Coventry City Council and a range of services and organisations, dedicated to supporting families and ensuring Coventry's children receive the resources they need to thrive in their first two years of life.

The Start for Life Offer unites six essential services, collaboratively providing comprehensive support to parents and caregivers, including:

  • Midwifery: Ensuring safe pregnancies and childbirth.

  • Infant Feeding: Promoting optimal nutrition for infants.

  • Health Visiting: Monitoring and supporting child development.

  • Perinatal Mental Health: Supporting parental mental well-being.

  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): Assisting children with additional needs.

  • Family Help/Safeguarding: Offering crucial family support and safeguarding services.

Cllr Patricia Seaman, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People at Coventry City Council, said: “We are so pleased to celebrate our first Baby Week in Coventry.

“We are a child-friendly city that works so hard to put families, children and young people at the heart of all we do, and there is a lot of help and support out there for new parents and parents-to-be.

“Those early days of life and the first days as a family are so important and Baby Week is all about helping to give the best possible start. We want to see as many people as possible at their local Family Hub so they can meet others in the same situation, learn more and get the help that every new parent needs at such an exciting, and overwhelming, time in their life.”

Jane Moffat, Operational Lead for Early Help at Coventry City Council, added: “Supporting families during the critical 1,001 days of a child's life is a responsibility we take seriously in Coventry, as these early experiences have a profound impact on children's wellbeing and future prospects. 

“The Coventry Start for Life offer represents our commitment to nurturing the potential of every child, ensuring they receive the care, attention, and resources they need to thrive."

The week concluded with a family showcase event at Butts Park Arena on the 20th of November, where families explored various activities and resources dedicated to their babies' well-being and development, all in one location.

Beyond Baby Week, Coventry families are encouraged to seek support through the Family Hubs – eight welcoming spaces situated across the city, offering assistance to all children, young people, and families when they require help, advice, and support.

For more information on Baby Week, Start for Life Coventry, and Family Hubs, please visit or


Partnering with Coventry Rocks to promote local activities available to families.


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